Saturday, November 8, 2008

New PSP Game: My Spanish Coach

Spanish (Espanol or Castellano), that is, Castilian, is the world's third largest language.
In the seven continents, about 352,000,000 people, especially in Latin American countries, speak Spanish. Spanish-speaking people, many of them known as the language of the Spanish (Espanol), and many other languages, said Spain's call for the Castilian Spanish (Castellano).
In English, the Spanish is the English translation of Espanol.
The study itself is a hard to learn their own culture and a different language, it is hard; as if we have lost in a phase of the best memories of people, to learn from scratch a Language, it is undoubtedly suffering ─ ─ If you do not have enough patience and interest. As a result, learning the language as a game, the game in a relaxed gradually master the language, is the best thing, even if you are not in it, try to have easy games.
The game software is currently scheduled for October 2008 for sale in North America, the players interested in Spanish language can not afford to miss the game.

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